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Interview Opportunity Do-it-yourself RSPs on the Rise as More Canadians Save for Their Retirement by Investing Online Self-directed RSPs to account for half of Canada's projected $1 trillion in RSP assets within 7 years

According to Investor Economics, do-it-yourself (DIY) RSPs will account for half the country's projected $1 trillion in RSP assets by 2014 and will hit approximately $483 billion or 16.5 per cent of Canada's total retirement assets. The Ipsos Reid 2005 Discount Brokerage Report confirms that retirement planning is the most important long-term goal of online investors.

Consistent with this projection has been the steady growth of registered assets under management at BMO InvestorLine which have almost tripled over the last five years and now make up more than 40 per cent of assets at the online investing firm.

Contrary to popular perception, DIY investing isn't just for sophisticated investors or day traders. More mainstream, long-term investors are choosing to take control of their investments by investing online.

There is an abundance of information and resources available online today to empower a wide range of investors to make their own investment decisions. The shift in investor profile over the last ten years is a result of the evolution of the online brokerage industry – from one that facilitated trades at a discount to one that now offers the information and tools to help investors confidently make relevant, appropriate investing decisions that had previously been the exclusive domain of the full-service broker.

For example, BMO InvestorLine offers a comprehensive package of planning, investment selection and management tools that guide clients towards a disciplined, long-term investing approach. Final decisions ultimately rest with the online investor – they are in control – but they have the guidance to test and validate those decisions along the way.

National and regional online investing experts, including Connie Stefankiewicz, President and CEO, BMO InvestorLine, are available for interviews throughout the week to provide straightforward guidance on DIY RSPs and online investing. They can discuss:

  • Making last minute RSP contributions online
  • Retirement planning online
  • Benefits of investing online
  • Who should consider investing online and who should not
  • How to get started
  • Tools and information available to DIY investors

Online investing experts are also available to present live demos of DIY RSPs.

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