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News Releases

Media Advisory / Interview Opportunity Back-to-School Anxiety—For the Parents
TORONTO, September 8, 2009 The first day of school is upon us; University and College students are buzzing with excitement and trembling with anxiety.

Parents may be feeling more of the latter sending their kids off the school, especially considering the recession-squeeze.

To help parents make sense of back-to-school financing, BMO experts are on hand to answer top-of-mind questions:

Cash or Credit?
What are the benefits of a credit card?
How do you manage your kids' spending – should you?
What are the day to day school costs and living expenses?

Independent Finances
How to maintain their privacy, but still stay on top of their spending?
How do you transfer money? (Joint accounts, direct deposit, mail cash or cheques)
Is it time for their own account? (Student banking plans, fees and features)

Safety First
What are some online safety tips?
What are some on-campus safety tips?

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