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Break the Heat Wave at Home and Not Your Bank Account

BMO offers the top 10 eco-friendly tips to keeping your house cool this summer and the BMO Eco Smart Mortgage(TM)

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 21, 2011) - With heat waves hitting cities across Canada and an extreme heat alert for Toronto, Canadians are looking to cool down without heating up their energy bill.

According to a recent BMO survey, the majority of homeowners (51 per cent) cite utility costs as the biggest surprise financially when it comes to owning a home. Cranking up the air conditioning (AC) may provide a temporary relief for those looking to make their home an arctic haven, however heating and cooling systems can account for approximately half of a homeowner's annual utility expenses, and use a significant amount of energy in the process.

With that in mind, BMO offers the following top 10 eco-friendly tips on keeping your house cool this summer without breaking the bank:

1. Ceiling Fans and Portable Fans – Neither use much energy to power, but produce great air circulation. Generating air movement can make the temperature in the room drop by up to five degrees. Ceiling fans are the most effective as they blow air downwards, however portable fans can be a great alternative.

2. Windows – If there is a slight breeze outside, and you do not have the AC turned on, open the windows and doors. Be sure to open more than one window as this will allow for a cross breeze to circulate throughout the house.

3. Light Coloured Window Shades, Blinds, or Drapes – Choosing a pale colour of window dressing can reflect heat away from the house. Also consider window film for heat and glare reduction. This can help other cooling devices such as fans or air-conditioners work more efficiently.

4. Thermostat Programmer – If you do choose to use your AC, be sure to limit the time that it is running. Program your thermostat to turn on the AC only during times when you will be home.

5. Internal Heat – Be aware of where heat is coming from within your home from sources such as appliances, electronic devices and lighting. Try to avoid placing these heat generators near your AC unit, as this will cause the system to work harder and longer.

6. Humidity – As humidity often makes the air feel warmer, reduce activities that create a humid environment such as washing and drying clothes, showering and cooking. If these cannot be avoided, turn on a ventilating fan to help extract warm, moist air.

7. Plant a Tree – Well placed trees and shrubs can put your house under the shade and reduce cooling costs by almost 25 per cent. Deciduous trees should be planted facing the south and west, and conifers to the north for maximum shade.

8. Insulation – Properly insulating your house (and the attic) and sealing any leaks can keep cool air in and hot air out. This will reduce the amount of work your AC has to do and can cut utility costs and emissions by almost 10 per cent.

9. Service your AC Unit – Be sure to service your air conditioner unit and the ducts every spring to ensure that it is working efficiently. Old air conditioners or those that work poorly have to work harder, increasing utility costs.

10. Reflective Roofing – Dark coloured roofing or outside walls can attract the thermal heat from the sun. Painting your roof or walls a light colour or installing reflective strips can deflect heat from your house and keep things much cooler inside.

* Tips are based on a survey of cost efficient home cooling web sites

For the energy-conscious homebuyer, BMO offers the BMO Eco Smart Mortgage™, designed to reward Canadians for choosing energy efficient homes. For more information, please visit

For further information:
Media Contacts:
Matthew Duffin, Toronto

Laurie Grant, Vancouver